Android Connection the easy way to your PC without any cables with AirDroid

Android Connection the easy way to your PC without any cables with AirDroid

Usually for connecting devices android smartphone to your laptop/PC using the USB cable to simply move data or lai. But as the increasingly sophisticated world of technology and now there's a practical car with Android-based device's connection to the laptop/PC without any cables. By using a free application AirDroid we download from the Play store.

With this application, we don't simply move data between your Android device with a laptop/PC, but can also run applications that are on your Android device from the laptop/PC.

In connection with AirDroid this requirement, both devices (laptop/PC and Android devices) have an internet connection.

Here's how the Connection is an Android device to the laptop/PC without any cables with AirDroid.

Android Connection with airdroid without cable

1. Download AirDroid from the Play store on Android devices.

Entry to the Play store. Search AirDroid application and then click Install. Just follow the dialog that appears and click OK.

2. find the application AirDroid the newly installed on your android device and then click to start it as shown below.

3. On the laptop/PC, open the internet browser and find the web address, as the following picture. Just ignore the column request Sign in.

Then we take an Android device that the application AirDroidnya already active. Then we scan in the section on the red ring as shown above with the use of a camera device Android.

Do I click the Red wreathed twigs on your android device as shown below? Then point your cameras from Android devices to web pages. android above.

If it works then it will go to a web page. next android as shown below.

On the screen of the device, Android will look like the following figure.

Up here you can always control your android device from your PC/laptop for both are still connected to the internet. Moving data, use the camera of your android device or run the application on the android device. If you want to get out enough press ' Disconnect ' from your Android device or close the internet browser that is on the laptop/PC.

That's how easily Android connection to the Laptop/PC wirelessly with the application AirDroiMaybe be useful.

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