5 Application Best Registry Cleaner to Clean up Your Android

Best Cleaner - If you are Android OS-based smartphone user, then you are obliged to install cleaner. Yes, an app to take care and keep your Android smartphone fast and clean. Like a windows computer that generates the file temporary or junk files, you use Android also experienced the same thing. If these junk files are not removed, then it will result in lower performance the performance of your mobile phone. Mobile phone so it slows down and memory also crowded by the junk files.

5 Best Cleaner For Android Phone


There are many possible applications for the Android OS devices from cleans junk files. 5 top Registry Cleaner application is the most widely used an older version of Google's Play.

1. CCleaner

So true to its name, this application is able to remove the junk that had captured you Android device storage space. In addition, he has also always been a guard in case anyone tried android threatens you.

Download CCleaner Androidroid

2. DU Speed Booster

The optimizer is an application for Android and cleanser that has the default antivirus security features. DU Speed Booster is able to boost up the speed of your phone as big as 60%, also clean the junk files (cache) from the system, and increase the storage space that is available on the SD card.

Download DU Speed Booster Androidroid

3. Cleaner

Your browser activities can be deleted automatically by using this simple application. History, Chrome, Google, YouTube, and Google Search Play store search will be able to be removed by the application of Cleaner for Android. So android you become fresher.

Download Cleaner Androidroid

4. Cleaner Master Optimizer Free

Application Cleaner – Master Optimizer will help their clean junk files, memory and storage space, optimizing for the game, clearing the search history, history calls and SMS, and easily create default application and the application is installed.

Download Master Optimizer Androidroid

5. AVG Cleaner

AVG Cleaner (cleaners phones) will help you quickly to remove, clean and clear your search history, history calls and SMS, as well as being able to recognize and be able to delete the cached application data contains unwanted by RAM memory smartphone and internal memory card.

Download AVG Cleaner Androidroid

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