Best 10 Cloud Storage Application Services for Android

Cloud Storage - Have a storage cloud is a great idea. Efficient, does not take the internal storage, and tastier than carrying hard drives everywhere. Got a cloud also facilitates sharing our files with other people. Here's the Recommendation applications and cloud storage service for free that can be enjoyed in Android.

Best 10 Cloud Storage Application Services for Android

Best 10 Cloud Storage Application Services for Androidroid

1. Amazon Drive

Best Cloud Storage amazon drive - Androidroid

Amazon Drive is the right choice for users of Amazon Prime. Anyone who has already registered with Amazon Prime would get free 5 GB storage capacity along with unlimited backup for photos and videos.

Download Amazon Drive - Androidroid

2. Box

Best Cloud Storage BOX - Androidroid is the world's storage cloud elders. There are many file management application in outer there and mostly supports integration with the Box. The application runs well and has the edge on simplicity and organization.

Download Box - Androidroid

3. Dropbox

Best Cloud Storage DropBox - Androidroid

Who the hell is now who do not know Dropbox? Even some smartphone manufacturers already include Dropbox as the default application. For normal users, you will get 2 GB of free cloud storage. Application Dropbox for Android features includes: upload photos automatically, which facilitates sharing options, the latest Android design elements, support for Microsoft Office, and the ability to send files to other users. Is a solid option and features relatively more of similar applications?

Download Dropbox - Androidroid

4. Google Drive

Best Cloud Storage Google Drive - Androidroid

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage application. The user would get a free 15GB with unlimited photo and video backup via Google Photos. There is also an Office application to create documents, note, spreadsheets, and presentations. Almost all Android devices already installed this application, there is no harm if you try yet.

Download Google Drive - Androidroid

5. MediaFire

Best Cloud Storage MediaFire - Androidroid

Starting from services for files, MediaFire is now also one of cloud storage providers that could be relied upon. You can upload whatever you want and its services include feature sharing and play around with the files yours directly on the cloud. Free users will get a capacity of 10 GB. The application is indeed not yet as advanced as the other, but overall it still works quite well.

Download MediaFire - Androidroid


Best Cloud Storage MEGA - Androidroid

Mega is the saplings from Megaupload, who several years ago was disabled by the FBI and had significant Internet. This is up-and-coming which gives users 50 GB free capacity, is the largest so far. If less, you can upgrade to 200 GB up to 4 TB. Its Android application is rather striking, still found some bugs too, but overall still OK. A prominent feature is the all the files uploaded will be encrypted for security reasons and extra protection.

Download MEGA - Androidroid

7. Microsoft OneDrive

Best Cloud Storage Microsoft Onedrive - Androidroid

Microsoft's OneDrive cloud storage options is popular because it integrates directly with many Windows products. For early, you are provided with free 5 GB of storage and you can upgrade to 100 GB with only Rp 26,000. OneDrive Storage is also included in each package subscriptions Office 365, both personal and business packages.

Download Microsoft OneDrive - Androidroid

8. Resilio Sync

Best Cloud Storage Resilio Sync - Androidroid

Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) is the best cloud storage solution for anyone that wants to have its own storage cloud. His Android applications can be synchronized with a desktop, laptop, NAS, tablet, or home-made server you own. The application works just like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. It's just that you use the device itself to keep all.

Resilio is an excellent option for those who need security and cloud storage can be monitored directly. This application is 100% free and that means quantity depends on the storage capacity of the devices you synchronize them are unlimited aliases.

Download Resilio Sync - Androidroid

9. Tresorit

Best Cloud Storage Tresorit - Androidroid

Tresorit belongs to a new player in the world of cloud storage, and still relatively expensive, too. However, the safety factor is exactly of note here. Tresorit has the encryption end-to-end for each file uploaded. The basic account gets 1 GB capacity.

Download Tresorit - Androidroid

10. Yandex Disk

Best Cloud Storage Yandex Disk - Androidroid

Yandex is not yet as popular as indeed Disk. the other, but it is a cloud storage options that are worth considering as well. They offer 10 GB of free cloud capacity when registering and you can get extra 10 GB with reaches for $1 per month, or 100 GB for $2 per month. There is also the name of "the package" that gives a 1 TB for $10 per month.

Download Yandex - Androidroid

It is a list of the 10 Best Cloud Storage Service application for Android that you can choose, may be useful and good luck.

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